Wednesday, September 26, 2012

alternative to facebook?

Neat article by Rusty Speidel of Jaggers Communications re: MySpace challenging Facebook, specifically in the music space.
Love his comment about the new MySpace, "This demo looks like my daughter acts."
This ties in well with our social media course because it seems to encourage links, connections and sharing.  It will be interesting to see when and how it enables push marketing (email?) beyond SEM.
"First thing you notice is the prominent role music plays in the site. The musician in me loves this. It’s like you can create a soundtrack of events that can be tied to the images and posts you create. Very cool. The timeline is horizontal and everything in is a visual mash that ties posts, video, audio, connections and photos together around those events. It’s loose, slick, and sexy, and seems to borrow a lot from Path and Pinterest. "....
Original piece linked here.